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NFLX Leading Indicators Showcase the Bullish Trend

NFLX Leading indicators

NFLX stock recently announced a new projection for their stock price and growth within the company. While it slightly decreased the price, those looking at NFLX leading indicators knew that the positive cycle for the company was just about to begin…

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T Stock, Mergers and Leading Indicator Predictions

T Leading indicators

On June 13th, 2018, T stock declined by 4.51%, despite approval for a mega merger with Times Warner. T leading indicators predicted the decline, specifically from other data and statistics that defined a pattern and allowed…

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RH Stock Predictions Hit the Current Upward Trend

RH stock predictions

On June 12th, 2018, there was a breakout point with RH stock, increasing in stock price by 33%. Those using BluSignals indicators were alerted in advance in early June of the positive cycle that is now occurring. Their profit of being ahead of the market was…

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