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List of Economic Indicators: What to Use and Why
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Know what to look for when you begin to work in the market.  If you are interested in different approaches, then you can look at what to use in the market and how effective it is.

The following list of economic indicators offers guidelines for your stock.  The approach helps you to identify the best approaches to your next analysis.

  1. Stock Market.  The stock is the first indicator that many turn to.  The rise and fall of the S&P, DOW or other markets also highlight how the economy is moving.  Stocks by industry and individual stock also helps you to identify the moves in the market.


  1. Company Movement. Manufacturing within the economy as well as how industries are responding to supply and demand also assists with economic changes.  You will want to look at how companies are moving and how it is changing the economy.


  1. For retail, sales are the most important factor.  With the list of economic indicators, you want to identify how much is sold and in what time frame.  This leads to the direct understanding of how a company is developing and how it will impact consumerism within society.


  1. Real Estate. Many look at the number of buildings, construction and home ownership as a direct relationship to the health of the economy.  When you identify the amount of construction, you are also able to see how the market is changing.


  1. The gross domestic product is usually measured after it occurs.  However, with this list of economic indicators it lets you know the health of the economy and whether it is growing.


  1. Jobs and Employment. There are two parts of economic indicators which identify how well the economy is.  The current jobs, including how much income and wages are available, is one of the main indications.  The other is unemployment.  Higher levels usually mean the economy needs to be stimulated.


  1. Cost of Living and Inflation. The amount it takes an average household to live as well as the way this inflates is essential to identifying the economy.  When you measure this as a microcosm, it identifies the money in the market.  You can also use this to examine how this relates to consumer spending, GDP and real estate, creating an interlink within the market.


  1. The currency market is a direct reflection of the economy and how it is fluctuating.  With the list of economic indicators, you can see how there is a relationship to GDP, cost of living and other elements with the rate of currency.


  1. Interest Rates. As interest rates fluctuate, so does the economy.  If the general economic status is declining, interest rates will be forced to deflate and change position.  You can look at the percentage of the rate, past rates and what is present to determine the economic health of a region.


  1. Gold and silver are the best known commodities to identify economic indications.  You can also look at resources such as oil and gas to determine how the economy is moving.


With the list of economic leading indicators, you can analyze the economy and how it is changing.  Each piece of data identifies how the market is moving.  Using the economic data allows you to take the best position with your stock and to prepare for the next changes in the market.